Meet The Team: Violet

08 June 2022

Let us introduce you to Violet, our Delivery Manager, who oversees our hard-working packing team and all of the smiling drivers you see out and about. Her favourite product is the Everything Bagel, topped with Salmon and Cream Cheese and when she isn't working, she loves to be with family or playing tennis.⁠ Read her full interview below...

What is your name, where are you from and how long have you been with Volare? 

Kia Ora  

Ko Violet Skipper toku ingoa. 

Born and bread (lol) in Auckland. 

Moved to Waikato in 2004  

Been with Volare Bread going on 4 years this year. 

What is your role at Volare? 

My role at Volare is the Delivery manager. I’m in charge of 17 fabulous staff which make up my Delivery & Packing team. I look after the day to day running of the packing & delivery process.  

I’m also part of an epic trio which form the Volare Social Club committee and together we work on fun activities to boost staff well being & performance. In a nut shell we organise the parties & social activities outside of our normal work hours. 

What does a typical day at Volare look like for you? 

Everyday differs and comes with it’s own challenge so it’s the end result I try to achieve to my best ability. My goal is to keep our customers happy, encourage staff productivity and apply the smooth running of both our packing & delivery departments. 

What is your favourite thing about working at Volare? 

Besides the delish product, the staff, we have such a diverse range of cultures, ages & personalities it’s really cool to see it all working well together. On top of that being given the opportunity to challenge myself & step out of my comfort zone. 

What's your favourite Volare product? 

So much to choose from….uummmmm....Everything Bagel toasted with Cream Cheese and Salmon.

What is your favourite hobby outside of work? 

Besides hanging out with my whanau, playing tennis is my most fave thing to do and unwind after a stressful day or week. I’ve been lucky enough to travel around NZ playing and competing in various tennis tournaments and making new friends along the way. 

Tell me about your tattoos and what they mean (if you'd like)? 

My first tattoo was a picture drawn & gifted to me by my brother in law of an Orca called Ureia. Ureia is a kaitiaki (spiritual guardian) of the Hauraki region and can be depicted in many forms such as a fish, group of fish or stingray and is said to protect me while swimming in any of the beaches or waterways in the Hauraki region. A year later I added on a full ta -moko sleeve which was designed by young local Maori tattoo artist, his designs include my Ngaphui & Hauraki whakapapa. 

What advice would you give to someone wanting to get into this industry / into a management roll? 

My advice would be to “Lead by example”. I’m not going to talk the talk if I can’t walk the walk. If your team see you doing it, then there’s no excuse why they can’t.  

That’s what I appreciate about our Management & Directors, they will get in there and wash dishes, pack hot cross buns, sweep floors if needed just to get the job done & that sets a great example to other workers & staff. 

What's the best advice you've ever received? 

Always be willing to learn, I started as a delivery driver/packer, learnt the role & progressed from there, I was always wanting to learn more & more. So if I can do it, anyone can do it if they put their mind to it. 

Favourite soundtrack to get you through a long shift? 

I like a bit of everything so depends on the mood at the time and what jobs need to get done. Los lonely boys, System of a down, Best of the 70’s,80’s,90’s, Top 100 to name a few. A good mixture of music to drown out the cooling fans & beeping oven alarms works wonders on a long shift. 

What does being a mother mean to me & how has it helped in my leadership role? 

 Being a mother means the world to me & with the guidance from my mother who raised me by herself when I was very young I learnt a lot.  As a parent you have to learn how to multi-task, learn patience all while showing infinite love and support, side note nothing belongs to you anymore when you have kids lol. I have 4 boys & 1 girl aged between 21 – 10 years old. 

What is the best thing about being a mother. 

 The unconditional love, hugs and kisses. They are a funny bunch of characters as well so it’s never a dull day in the Skipper household.  

 Want to join Violet's team or be part of the #volarefamily? Send your resume to today!⁠